Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Hard Work Pays Off After a Four Month BLANK

After a tough summer of blanking, the hard work and dedication finally paid off in the form of a magnificent common taken from a small lake close to home.

The fish was tricked using a standard shot on the hair rig with a size 6 Carp Company hook. The hookbait of choice was a Mainline Pineapple Juice pop up cut into two halves, fished back to back and tipped off with a white artificial corn. Fished over two handfuls of maize and tigernut mix.

The hookbait was placed underneath a dead fallen tree that hangs on the surface of the lake close in the margins and in 3 feat of water on a clear clay area.

The fish fought very hard and after a brief 10 minute scrap was ready for the net.

27lb 6oz

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