The weather didnt look good with yet another cold front predicted to arrive late on Saturday afternoon. All the rods bang on the money on each of the three chosen spots by 5pm on Friday afternoon. My wake up call came at 8am on Saturday morning with this cracking common, one of the original strain that are in this lake. Very strong and hard fighting are these old carp, known for their big yellow tails, distinctive lateral line and 'faint scale pattern'. This one was fooled with 3 grains of artificial buoyant corn in yellow, black and yellow fished on a standard shot on the hair rig , size 6 Carp Company hook with 4 hands of particle mix scattered over the hookbait. The particle mix consisted of maize, tigernuts, wheat, sorgum, crushed maize, hempseed, maples and peanuts.
18lb 8oz |